Product Details :
A large deciduous buttressed tree, 20-30 m in height with thick brownish grey back having shallow longitudinal fissures; leaves simple, alternate, long-petioled, crowded about the extremities of the branches, broady elliptic, margins entire, main nerves 6-8 pairs, midrib prominent on both surfaces; flowers pale greenish yellow with an offensive odour, in axillary spikes, longer than the petioles but shorter than the leaves; fruits ovoid grey drupes, obscurely 5 angled, narrowed into a very short stalk.
COMMON NAME : Bibhitaki
OTHER NAME : Baheda, Belliric myrobalan.
BOTANICAL NAME : Terminalia bellirica (Gaertn.) Roxb.
PLANT FAMILY : Combretaceae
PART USED : Dried Seedless Fruit.
Phytoconstituents :
Fruits contain about 17% tannin and β-sitosterol, gallic acid, ellagic acid, ethyl galate, galloyl glucose and chebulagic acid. Heartwood and bark contain ellagic acid and the seed-coat of the fruit contains gallic acid.
Supports proper function of the lungs and healthy, comfortable breathing.Promotes healthy vision, voice, and hair.Bibhitaki contains tannins, ellagic acid, gallic acid, lignans and flavones, along with many other powerful plant compounds that are thought to be responsible for its medicinal qualities